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The Symbol

An oval outer border expresses the organization's name twice.  The oval shape of this organization expression represents the shape of an egg, which is an archetypical statement of creativity--the birthing of new Ways.

Openness to acceptance of new Ways is expressed by the opening between the twice stated organization name.

The interior arrows represent The Ways.  The curvature of the arrows signifies dynamic movement from an existing path to a point of common purpose.

Primary colors plus black, a fusion of all colors, represent the diverse Ways. Gathering together within the organizational shell.  A Gathering of The Ways is the expression of an organizational possibility that is greater than the sum of its parts.

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Our Philosophy

We recognize that today’s thriving communities are those who have successfully integrated diverse ethnic, racial, religious, cultural and class populations into masterpieces of social order that emerged from successful resolutions of creative conflicts. The successes of these high-performing social orders are the result of multi-level and multi-disciplinary efforts to build bridges rather than walls. We endeavor to look at each individual as a definitive contributor to this process, whether through disturbance or as a definitive contributor. This will be a multi-dimensional task: “A Gathering of the Ways.”

Our Intentions



To facilitate and EDUCATE around self-help teaching models for groups and individuals utilizing the social sciences. 



We partner with faith communities, institutions of theological education, universities, and the wider community to ENHANCE our understanding of shared values.

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We ENRICH the lives of individuals and cultivate human potential through the arts and culture.

Principles of organisation


The discovery of the magnificence of humanity


To facilitate self-help and mutual aid utilizing the health and social sciences, arts and culture, faith and values, and economic empowerment in the creation of caring and connected communities, allowing individuals to realize more in their lives.

Core Value

We believe in human responsibleness as caretakers of the planet  

We believe in the one human family 

We understand the development of the human creature and human potential as an ongoing process

We acknowledge that we as human have similar tendencies given the same situation and circumstances 

We accept that we create the world we live in by our beliefs and corresponding actions

We believe the human being walks life's journey on a path towards eternal freedom  

We strive towards those ends in life that provide us and the world more freedoms  

We believe in engaging the WAYS of self - help and mutual aide in our attempt to embrace the magnificence of humanity  


We partner with businesses and government institutions in a common effort to EMPOWER individuals in the areas of self support and fiscal responsibility

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Conscious Investments

Contact Edward Robinson for fix and flip real estate investments.






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A Gathering

of the WaysTM

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Actualizing human potential.  Unifying diverse communities.

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A Gathering of the Ways is owned by A Gathering of the Ways, Inc.




700  E Main St, Richmond, Virginia 23219



(804) 909-4189

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